Lost ebor page builder
Lost ebor page builder

Now add one more subitem directly under the subitem made in step 9: Find the section under the found page/post ” (create it if it doesn’t exist just before ”) and add a subitem under it ‘panels_data’ (you may also want to delete the existing items). Go back to the xml file we opened in Step 2 and locate the affected page/post.

lost ebor page builder

In the edit form, copy all the contents of meta_value. You are going to need to do the following for each item that page builder uses in the search results except for _edit_lock, _edit_last … For the home page, the only keys I had to copy were ‘panels_data’ and ‘_wp_page_template’. For example, I am going to search for post_id=1 since my home page is broken and has the page id 1. Go to the postmeta table (usually wp_postmeta unless you have a custom table prefix). Login to phpAdmin and go to your WordPress database. Do a WordPress export that includes all of your pages/posts and open it with a good text editor like NotePad++. Identify the affected pages/posts and note their id. ** Before doing this, I highly advise you take a database backup in case something goes wrong ** However, for those of us that aren’t so lucky, I have found a solution: Obviously, if you still have access to the old site, the best solution is to use WordPress export on the old site, then DROP the database on the NEW site, reinstall wordpress, and import the aforementioned export. After looking at the code for a little bit, I concluded the issue most likely had to do with serialization. All signs pointed to having to recreate the site.

lost ebor page builder

I googled and googled and found no solution. I knew the page builder data was still there. I was devastated to see that much of the site was broken (blank page). At the time, I was not aware that you had to use WordPress export/import to preserve Page Builder.

lost ebor page builder lost ebor page builder

** This solution should work for people who broke their page builder site by making a change directly to the database AND people who broke their page builder site doing a database export/import **Ī couple days ago, I attempted to transfer a site using Page Builder via database import/export.

Lost ebor page builder